Directory Window ⌘9 The Directory window contains the name/address/phone directory. • To find a name in the directory, choose the Find command in the Extras menu. The Directory window must be the front window. You can also type the first few letters of the last name directly in the Directory window. • To create a new name in the directory, choose the New Item command in the Extras menu. • To edit a record in the directory, click on one of it's fields. To move from field to field, press the tab key. • To delete a record from the directory , command-option click on it in the name list panel, or select it in the list panel and press the Backspace or Delete key. • To sort the names in the directory window by the last word of the name field, option click the name list panel in the directory window. • To schedule a person from the directory into the calendar, drag the name into any calendar window. The name and phone number will be automatically entered into the event item - all you need to type is the time of day. • To put a person from the directory into the To-Do List, drag the name into the To-Do List window. • To have the computer speak the current directory item, choose Speak Items (⌘K) from the Extras menu. The name and number fields will be spoken using the Macintosh voice synthesis software if it is installed. Figure: Directory Window.